Hal E. Hale, D.D.S., P.A.
Dr. Hale grew up in Wichita and attended Wichita State University from 1980 to 1984. He graduated from the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Dentistry in 1988. Upon graduation, Dr. Hale returned to Wichita to establish his practice.
Dr. Hale is very active in organized dentistry. He has served as President of the Wichita District Dental Society, the Kansas Dental Association, and the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Dentistry's Alumni Association. Additionally, he is the Kansas Section Head of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, a national dental honor society. Dr. Hale serves the American Dental Association as a Delegate to the Association's governing body and on the ADA's national Council on Dental Practice. He has served on the University of Missouri, Kansas City Alumni Association's Governing Board as well as the School of Dentistry's Rinehart Foundation Board. He is also on the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Dental Advisory Committee.
Moreover, he was honored as the Wichita District Dental Association's Dentist of the Year in 2012. Dr. Hale is a Fellow in the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. He also volunteers for several dental charitable events, including the Kansas Mission of Mercy, Give Kids a Smile, Project Access, and Donated Dental Services. Dr. Hale is proud to have supported both the Wichita and Andover Public School Systems by volunteering as a school dental inspector.
Dr. Hale's favorite activity outside of dentistry is spending time with his family. He also enjoys sports, following the Wichita State University Shockers, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Kansas City Royals. He loves music and concerts, including the Wichita Grand Opera, the Wichita Symphony, and the Wichita Music Theatre for Young People. Traveling is also a favorite activity of his. Additionally, Dr. Hale is an active member of the Masonic Fraternity and attends New Spring Church.